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To: K-list
Recieved: 1999/12/21 22:36
Subject: Re: [K-list] hiya
From: Wim Borsboom

On 1999/12/21 22:36, Wim Borsboom posted thus to the K-list:

Dear Arnold,

Could ARRABAH' have to do with Brahman, Abraham?
There is more on this in my ancient memories (Previous lives? I don't know.
Akashic records? Could be.)
When I went through some extremely strong Kundalini visions years ago, at
first Vishnu then Shiva, then Brahman appeared to me (and though me as I
felt it). I identified strongest with Vishnu, Brahman being more like my
father (as an inventor and priest of whom I was very proud). The experiences
and sounds of their names as I voiced them while they came through me were
extremely strong and they came accompanied with hand movements (mudras)
signifying amongst others (1) the thumbs and index fingers tips (later all
finger tips) joint together as Trinity, (2) the two index fingers joined and
pointing upwards forwards as Vishnu, (3) the fingers of both hands joined
together as in the catholic way of praying, the Brahman mudra (?). In my
reconstruction of some of my memories, of which I subsequently forgot a lot,
Abraham and Brahman were one identity.
Hope it means something to you...
It meant my life, (eternal) to me...

Love, Wim

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