kundalini-l-d Digest				Volume 96 : Issue 252 

1 Date: Sat, 23 Nov 1996 
From: LwMema3ATNOSPAMaol.com
Subject: Re: Kundalini and chi reply

In a message dated 96-11-18 16:43:28 EST, Jim writes:

> Besides chi, there is another energy in  the spine, nervous/awareness
energy, what the Taoists call shen.  As the  chi enters the spine, it blends
with the shen, producing a mixture of energies that (maybe) equate with the
term kundalini.  This is also  complicated by the notion that chi came become
shen, and shen can become chi. >>
     But this statement is not very complicated when you consider the aspects
of duality in Chinese thought- yingyang.  They are two separate pieces that
flow together to make a whole that contain parts of each other.  Thinking
about it in those terms helps, for me anyway. So it would not be that strange
for shen and chi to become eachother... let me know if this helps.  
I have just written a paper on Taoism and ancient Chinese Medicine and a
great deal of info on Chi (with a touch of K was included)  so this is
something I have a lot of sources and quotes for.  I can recomend some books
or sources onlines if anyone is interested- email me privately.

In light and love,

2 Date: Sat, 23 Nov 1996 
From: Jan Watson 
Subject: Re: Kundalini, chi, spiritual formation

Philip St. Romain wrote:

 thoughts are also
> FORMATIVE, and form is the vehicle through which energy is received and
> expressed.  Change your thinking patterns and your experience of the energy
> changes as well.m

 How we hold ourselves in openness to the divine
> energy (which is intelligent, intentional--Personal) determines, in large
> part, the kind of experience we have.

 The question before us becomes, then, one of carefully
> considering the kind of formation we want to submit ourselves to. We form
> ourselves by our attitudes, disciplines, and values, but we do this in
> relationship with a formative tradition, guru, master, guide (if we do not,
> then we run the danger of the Ego running the formational show, or of
> unworthy spirits stepping into our energy field to run things).

Hi Philip

I have avoided involving myself in this so far, but I guess its time to 
jump into the fray.  I agree with you that words are not all alike.  It's 
like saying that being asked to make love or to have sex with someone is 
the same thing!!!

Experience also denies that the language is generic:  for me, I feel chi 
as a vibratory energy that I can feel rise through energy lines, at 
acupuncuture points, up the back and up or down the legs.  The closest I 
could describe it would be electromagnetic.  Kundalini is different.  It 
starts as hot as coals at the base of the spine and spreads like molten 
gold upwards like a volcano; the heat is such that I wonder why I do not 
catch fire! It leads to incredible opening of alternate modes of 
perception and it  heals instantly; unlike chi that takes a little longer 
for the healing effects to be felt.  The Holy Spirit, however, is 
different from both.  (I am not "Christian" although I do follow the 
teachings of Christ very closely, and then some...") In the system in 
which I learn, it is called Baraka, and is that which is Life itself, and 
so, Holy, and can be given by one who is Holy, totally illuminated.  When 
that is given (in small doses in my case) , my breath 'gasps', my body 
seems to be non-existant for a few seconds, then all I see looks 
different and an inner joy grows out from the unconscious and bubbles 
into the conscious mind.  It is a feeling of utter peace (unlike K which 
is very sensuous and chi which is energizing).  Prana, on the other hand, 
is available through technique and is  experience of the opening of 
internal universes or the spaces between the matter within opening into 

It seems to me that the three - chi, prana, kundalini may be accesible 
through man's effort; Baraka or the Holy Spirit cannot, it is a Blessing, 
a Gift that has little to do with human values.  With it, we have the 
ability to recognize who we really are - god like beings.  With chi, 
prana and K, you can go back; with Baraka or the Holy Spirit, the changes 
are permanent.  

I feel like I should footnote this stuff with academia, but I can't, so, 
have a great day, and thanks for the great reading.  


3 Date: Sat, 23 Nov 1996 
From: Jan Watson 
Subject: energy transfer


Two days ago, someome dear to me  sent me energy via e-mail.  It 
literally jumped off the screen onto my face with a discernable force, 
like being hit with a mitten.  Fantastic!

Has anyone here tried that before?  Any luck?  If you haven't, maybe we 
could try with each other?  Are there 'senders' and 'receivers' like in 
psi or should most of us be able to send?  

If  you want to  email me this way, I'll try to return the 'favour'.   



4 Date: Sat, 23 Nov 1996 
From: "L.D. McClanahan" 
Subject: Kundalini and Various Diseases

	It is not uncommon for those with rising Kundalini to 
experience various physical and psychological symptoms related to how 
the energy becomes integrated within the body.  Yet, after Kundalini has 
risen many seem to be able to access the energy for many types of 
"awareness."  I was wondering if any of you has any experience with 
anyone who might have different kinds of disease such as heart trouble, 
cancer, different kinds of viruses, etc.
-	Would appreciate your thoughts.  L.D.

5 Date: Sat, 23 Nov 1996 
From: lodpressATNOSPAMinetworld.com (Gloria Greco)
Subject: Re: Astral Projection

> JOHN ROYER wrote:
> >
> > > In 1977 I had my first OBE/Astral
> > > Projection by accident from
> > > listening to the ringing in my
> > > ears..(one of many OBE's to follow)
> > >
> > > After the experience I felt a surge
> > > of vibrations flow up and down my
> > > spine...Was this K??
	There are many experiences that come from coming out of your body, one
is that of the ringing, high pitched sounds, others are a very physical
awareness of the body as being stiff as a board. This could be K, you
will know by what follows. K tends to grow in intensity so there will be
no doubt if it is. Meanwhile work on aligning your will with God in your
life, so that whatever is to come you will be prepared for. That is what
I suggest to all souls on the journey of return. God Bless Gloria

My homepage is http://www.inetworld.com/lodpress/

6 Date: Sat, 23 Nov 1996 
From: lodpressATNOSPAMinetworld.com (Gloria Greco)
Subject: Re: Kundalini, chi, spiritual formation

Jan Watson wrote:
> Philip St. Romain wrote:
>  thoughts are also
> > FORMATIVE, and form is the vehicle through which energy is received and
> > expressed.  Change your thinking patterns and your experience of the energy
> > changes as well.m
>  How we hold ourselves in openness to the divine
> > energy (which is intelligent, intentional--Personal) determines, in large
> > part, the kind of experience we have.
>  The question before us becomes, then, one of carefully
> > considering the kind of formation we want to submit ourselves to. We form
> > ourselves by our attitudes, disciplines, and values, but we do this in
> > relationship with a formative tradition, guru, master, guide (if we do not,
> > then we run the danger of the Ego running the formational show, or of
> > unworthy spirits stepping into our energy field to run things).
> Hi Philip
> I have avoided involving myself in this so far, but I guess its time to
> jump into the fray.  I agree with you that words are not all alike.  It's
> like saying that being asked to make love or to have sex with someone is
> the same thing!!!
> Experience also denies that the language is generic:  for me, I feel chi
> as a vibratory energy that I can feel rise through energy lines, at
> acupuncuture points, up the back and up or down the legs.  The closest I
> could describe it would be electromagnetic.  Kundalini is different.  It
> starts as hot as coals at the base of the spine and spreads like molten
> gold upwards like a volcano; the heat is such that I wonder why I do not
> catch fire! It leads to incredible opening of alternate modes of
> perception and it  heals instantly; unlike chi that takes a little longer
> for the healing effects to be felt.  The Holy Spirit, however, is
> different from both.  (I am not "Christian" although I do follow the
> teachings of Christ very closely, and then some...") In the system in
> which I learn, it is called Baraka, and is that which is Life itself, and
> so, Holy, and can be given by one who is Holy, totally illuminated.  When
> that is given (in small doses in my case) , my breath 'gasps', my body
> seems to be non-existant for a few seconds, then all I see looks
> different and an inner joy grows out from the unconscious and bubbles
> into the conscious mind.  It is a feeling of utter peace (unlike K which
> is very sensuous and chi which is energizing).  Prana, on the other hand,
> is available through technique and is  experience of the opening of
> internal universes or the spaces between the matter within opening into
> infinity...
> It seems to me that the three - chi, prana, kundalini may be accesible
> through man's effort; Baraka or the Holy Spirit cannot, it is a Blessing,
> a Gift that has little to do with human values.  With it, we have the
> ability to recognize who we really are - god like beings.  With chi,
> prana and K, you can go back; with Baraka or the Holy Spirit, the changes
> are permanent.
> I feel like I should footnote this stuff with academia, but I can't, so,
> have a great day, and thanks for the great reading.
> jan

Jan and Phil,
-	I very much agree with this, the Holy Spirit is Divine Light from the
Ain Sof which is the Limitless Light coming into ones consciousness.
This is totally from grace and prior preparation, this pure frequency is
transcendental/transformational lifeforce that instantly changes life.
It is directly from Godhead.
	Kundalini is man's potential being unleashed. It provides different
states of awareness to the evolving soul, and some of these are with
power. Yet, the soul is still restricted in time and space. The Holy
Spirit transcends time and space and the soul is instantly beyond the
restricted areas of consciousness. Kundalini follows a set awakening
plan, and each stage of the consciousness change brings on more
awareness, it still involves the body working through and moving into
transcendental consciousness.
	When the two come together to do God's Will in the universe, you have a
Christed Soul doing God's Will for the purpose of Enlightening Humanity.
This soul is one with the light stream, and therefore directly connected
to God head. Gloria

7 Date: Sat, 23 Nov 1996 
From: Tim Duna 
Subject: Re: Kundalini, chi, spiritual formation

At 03:42 PM 11/23/96 -0800, you wrote:
>It seems to me that the three - chi, prana, kundalini may be accesible 
>through man's effort; Baraka or the Holy Spirit cannot, it is a Blessing, 
>a Gift that has little to do with human values.  With it, we have the 
>ability to recognize who we really are - god like beings.  With chi, 
>prana and K, you can go back; with Baraka or the Holy Spirit, the changes 
>are permanent.  
>I feel like I should footnote this stuff with academia, but I can't, so, 
>have a great day, and thanks for the great reading.  

        And where does one subjectively feel the Baraka or Holy Spirit in
their body or aura?


8 Date: Sat, 23 Nov 1996 
From: Tim Duna 
Subject: Re: Music
At 12:13 PM 11/23/96 -0500, you wrote:
>All New Age music. is not necessarily good for the body.  My rule is to
>listen to it in the store before I buy.  Some are very destructive.  In
>general those with more natural sounds are best---such as the ocean.  Flutes,
>harps and pianos are good.  Organ music if it  has long chords, but that is a

        Some of the unseen bodies' sounds are ocean waves, trickling water,
flute tones, violins, bell-like tones.  One of the most relaxing I think is
the trickling water, I believe it's connected with the emotional body.
Sound and smell is much more pleasant when it comes from you, and not outside.  

>In terms of rythmns , many can be very destructive.  African music is good,
>and so is some American Indian music but not always.   Listen and decide for
>yourself is a good rule.

        I have heard that the more primal drum music will release more
energy, listening to it too long could very well be destructive.

>Re: the comment on Angel music.  Ever since "K" I have a "sound " in my head
>that is like the resonating of a crystal.  The tone changes depending on the
>situation, becoming higher or lower pitched.  It seems as if this "sound"
>tunes my body according to it's individual needs.  In other words I produce
>my own"music" as needed.  I listen to music less and less, and recently gave
>up my music profession, altogether.  It seems to me that Gloria is right when
>she says silence is sometimes best.  In my case the music interferes with the
>sound I emit. So it became increasingly difficult to be involved in music to
>the extent I was. Also the crown chakra is one of silence and being,  and
> moves beyond sound to other types of energy manifestations.  So music too is
>only a step on the way to beingness.

        Yes, the primordial Aum, all sound and no sound, I enjoy this a lot
when I feel it.  It is a nice reflecting, but paused mood.  

        The times I have heard pitch changes in a body's sound is when
energy has been releasing corresponding to that body. 


9 Date: Sat, 23 Nov 1996 
From: Tim Duna 
Subject: Re: >>>>>Vampire Games.

At 05:24 AM 11/22/96 -0800, you wrote:
>  Hi Tim:
>        I guess my first question would be: what scale of measurement do I
>use to describe that level?  How do we measure K.?  I don't have a
>kundalometer. There is no such gadget, as far as I know.

        Actually I was hoping for a chakra level.  From what I have seen in
my own healing, there are fourteen chakras, seven in the body, seven above
the crown.  However, these seven above the crown correspond to seven earthen
chakras below the feet.  Then the next level is what I call base chakra to
the second power, sex chakra to the 2nd power, etc.  I am sure there are
higher levels still.  This information may be untruthful through ignorance,
but not on intention.  For instance, I may be wrong about the number of the
earthen chakras, or the ones above, my perceptions aren't so clear on these
levels.  But the main idea is that the energy going above, returns below as
a stronger, higher level of energy that moves upward again.  This isn't just
energy circulation, but higher planes of existence.

>        Open question to the list: what level does one become invisible at? 
>        Is there terminology, vocabulary for that in some discipline? 
>        The Celestine prophecy mentions it, and I have a very K. awakened
>friend whose husband has seen her vanish, I'll ask her if she has a scale
>she uses to measure such things..
>        Isn't that the big problem, with K. and science. Science doen't
>wanna believe anything it can't measure.
>        one of the beings cymbal was channelling suggested measuring suble
>magnetic forces. Perhaps I'll get my electronics slave to invent something!

        There must be some way, as I can feel or see larger light splotches
on higher level beings.  These flash, and earthen people usually have dots
of light, and those in darkness (spiritual ignorance) I can't feel any
light.  There must be some way to measure these differences in one's energy,
other than using one's own senses.  I would imagine that invisibility would
have it's certain pitch of frequency and it's frequency of light splotches.    
>        We measure it by experiences?
>        The level was the visibility threshold, I guess. 
>        Or is your question about how did I raise my K. that high?

        No, I have an idea that your sexual energy was running high that
night, and it was transmuted into higher realms naturally as it was an
overload in the lower centres, as the energy had to go somewhere.  
>        cymbal and I were on acid, but raven was completely sober...that's
>why my becoming invisible was so much harder on her reality.

        Acid no doubt helped.  Drugs seem to release energy in different
ways, using different chakras.
>         My opinions on acid and K. would be another post. A very long one.
>It is sacred and powerful magic, to me. I use it occasionally to evolve
>myself, make changes, discoveries and new connections in my deep unconscous.
        I would like to someday take a peyote or other natural initiation.
I have heard acid can be harmful if taken in too big of doses, as it will
cause a waking mind crisis and shut-down.  The reason for this is because
our bodies are not made to handle unnatural drugs.  Right now however, I
have enough energy going through without the help of drugs, I don't think
using them would be helpful, in fact, very well could be harmful.  
>And I love to play with the waves of blue fire that I see/feel rising up
>from my body so clearly in that state. I have begun to see it straight as
>well, I'm learning where precisely to orient my internal focus.

        Interestingly enough, I have seen something similar, a turquoise
blue energy waves coming out in front of my face when I was really fatigued
once.  And when I say fatigued, I mean REALLY fatigued.  We were trying to
push a truck out of the snow on a lake.  I gave it my all and then some and
afterward just fell down into the snow from exhaustion.  That's when the
waves started coming out like fire or radiation.  

>        Mind you, the next day, without acid, I started glowing blue
>phosphorescence again, and part of my face turned to smoke. (no mirror,
>cymbal's observations.)

>        My ability to literally, light up a room has definitely increased
>since I began channelling Gaia. Even today, although my focus was on
>energetically and emotionally fortifying my beloved posessions for my
>abscence, twice we noticed the gold/blue light coming from my body. It is
>made of the vibration of love, fulfillment and pleasure. Is that a level? 
        Could be a chakra or combo of them?  Could be an incarnational focus
color?  These would indicate a level.

>        The explanation I was given that night, by the beings that were
>speaking through cymbal, and from his and raven's own observations:
>         I have been aware for a while that some aspects of my personality
>are in fact other beings, or other aspects of my multidimensional self.
>Especially when several psychic friends could also see the alien, that I see
>in my mirror, sometimes. And some of the others beings that appear...if
>other poeple could see them, I had to accept that they were not hallucination.

        Then this means you have yet to intergrate fully that
multi-dimensional Self.  I can give an explanation to the 'me' actually
being other personalities.
  Seth speaks about how all probable selves ride the same wave of the
multi-dimensional Self, how not one is an island.  This is true.  We can
feel ourselves becoming multi-dimensional and interacting with other's
multi-dimensionality.  These probable selves are aspects of our personality,
passive, while what we consider 'us' is dominant.  However, in each of their
realities, 'you' are passive and they are the dominant personality.  It is
for this reason of each incarnation holding all of the others that all karma
happens in this life.  We naturally attract situations and react and act in
a multidimensional way that mimics the pattern of action and reaction of
'before'.  The pattern is based upon emotional pitches or frequencies, and
not necessarily the events, but this doesn't exclude events totally.  
>        The more energy I raise, the faster, and clearer the other beings
>appear, till finally, they are blurring, changing too fast to be seen, and
>so I turn to smoke and become invisible, like the spokes of a wheel turning. 
>        Vibrating faster than this visible dimension? 

        I have seen this at times also in the mirror.  My faces seem to blur
at times as well, but never smoke and invisibility. 
>getting during the experience, I am meant to do exactly that! Hee Hee! What
>kind of camera do you use to take pictures of invisible beings?


>		   Mistress Angelique Serpent, 
>		Dominant Experiential Facilitator.
>            Website= http://www.domin8rex.com/serpent
>	*******************

Hope you don't mind me cutting the spam out.  


10 Date: Sat, 23 Nov 1996 
Subject: Music & Chakras

As a musician I play a variety
of instruments...
I find that rock drums 
correspond to lower to
plexus Chakras...

Jazz drums from mid
to heart Chakras...

Bass guitar lower
Rock Rhythm guitar
plexus Chakra...

When I listen to 
classical especially
strings higher Chakras...

11 Date: Sat, 23 Nov 1996 
Subject: Favorite Mantra

My favorite Mantra while
meditating is So Ham...

I visualize So as I breath in
Ham as I breath out....
I usually focus mainly from
the lowest up to the heart
chakra only...I like that
"grounded" feeling...

If I want to induce an OBE/
Lucid Dream I simply "Listen
to the Ringing in my ears"...
It pushes my awareness to my
upper chakras and focuses
"beyond words & symbols"...

12 Date: Sat, 23 Nov 1996 
Subject: Pinpointing Illness

This past week I have had a cold...
Achy all over...Sore throat, etc...

Yesterday I meditated and "scanned"
my body from the lower to higher

When I was done scanning it was neat
as I could actually feel the isolated
parts of my illness all the way up
my spine....I could feel both the
open and closed regions...

13 Date: Sat, 23 Nov 1996 
From: Jan Watson 
Subject: Re: Kundalini, chi, spiritual formation

Tim Duna wrote:
> At 03:42 PM 11/23/96 -0800, you wrote:
> >It seems to me that the three - chi, prana, kundalini may be accesible
> >through man's effort; Baraka or the Holy Spirit cannot, it is a Blessing,
> >a Gift that has little to do with human values.  With it, we have the
> >ability to recognize who we really are - god like beings.  With chi,
> >prana and K, you can go back; with Baraka or the Holy Spirit, the changes
> >are permanent.
> >
> >I feel like I should footnote this stuff with academia, but I can't, so,
> >have a great day, and thanks for the great reading.
> >
> >jan
> >
>         And where does one subjectively feel the Baraka or Holy Spirit in
> their body or aura?
> Tim

Hi Tim
First, I do not know, I only assume Baraka and Holy Spirit may be the 
same thing.  I could well be wrong and am willing to entertain that idea. 
As far as 'where', it seems not to be an issue.  Please let me 
illustrate. When you first fell in love, was it with your aura, your 
body, or you mind, heart, soul? spirit?  or was it simply, you? 



14 Date: Sat, 23 Nov 1996 
From: Tim Duna 
Subject: Re: Kundalini, chi, spiritual formation

At 10:38 PM 11/23/96 -0800, you wrote:
>Tim Duna wrote:
>> At 03:42 PM 11/23/96 -0800, you wrote:
>> >It seems to me that the three - chi, prana, kundalini may be accesible
>> >through man's effort; Baraka or the Holy Spirit cannot, it is a Blessing,
>> >a Gift that has little to do with human values.  With it, we have the
>> >ability to recognize who we really are - god like beings.  With chi,
>> >prana and K, you can go back; with Baraka or the Holy Spirit, the changes
>> >are permanent.
>> >
>> >I feel like I should footnote this stuff with academia, but I can't, so,
>> >have a great day, and thanks for the great reading.
>> >
>> >jan
>> >
>>         And where does one subjectively feel the Baraka or Holy Spirit in
>> their body or aura?
>> Tim
>Hi Tim
>First, I do not know, I only assume Baraka and Holy Spirit may be the 
>same thing.  I could well be wrong and am willing to entertain that idea. 
>As far as 'where', it seems not to be an issue.  Please let me 
>illustrate. When you first fell in love, was it with your aura, your 
>body, or you mind, heart, soul? spirit?  or was it simply, you? 

        So you are inferring it's a way of BEing.  Is this becoming the
higher self?  To not confuse terms, when I say 'higher self' I am referring
to the White Light plane higher self, the eighth chakra connects to this.
Is it embodying and expressing fully this being, no sense of ego at all?    

15 Date: Sun, 24 Nov 1996 
From: GrandmmaATNOSPAMaol.com
Subject: Re: Kundalini and Various Diseases

Dear LD
I am approximately 3 years into a spontaneous K awakening.
I have not had a cold or viral infection since my awakening.  Some of the
problems that have occurred since then include, Renauds disease,
fibromyalgia, and bony growths in my mouth (tori).  I have a feeling that all
three of these medical diagnosis's are directly related in some way to my K
awakening.  The tori are getting larger every day and if they continue to
grow I may have to have them surgically removed.  I don't know if this
information is helpful to you but thought I would share it.  

-                                Love and Light

16 Date: Sun, 24 Nov 1996 
From: stampmanATNOSPAMix.netcom.com (Daniel Rusch-Fischer )
Subject: Re: Vibro-matic Bed (Follow up)

ask?) that the vibratory sensation that accompanies the k-awakening 
(initial and ongoing) was a seizure type event similar to a petit mal 
or even ordinary shivering. I had assumed this because at highest 
intensity I have exhibited body-shakes that I and Karen could see. 
However, during the persistant 'humming' that comes and goes, there is 
a perception of sound within me, but no externally visible shaking.
    I assumed that this was simply a toned-down version of the heavier 
type that included shaking/shivering. I had tried to feel the tremor 
with my hands by touching various parts of my body and never could - I 
felt that this was because the tremor was very fine, internal, and 
since it seemed to be in all parts of my body that the hands with which 
I was trying to feel the tremors were also trembling at the same rate  
and that this produced a 'cancelling' effect so I couldn't 'feel' it 
    Karen has told me that when I am 'humming' in bed, it vibrates the 
water, the bed and her. She has also said that she can and has reached 
out to touch my body to feel the tremors and that there are none 
perceptible by touching me. This surprised me as it seems to be a non 
sequitor. How is it that I can be producing (for hours on end) a 
tremor/vibration that can be transmitted through water, strongly 
perceptible to her, and yet neither she nor I can feel it on palpating 
my body?