Date: Tue, 30 Jul kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 96 : Issue 71 
1 1996 
Subject: Re UfO's

Yes there is a connection between us and UFO"s. I am still doing my own
research on this one, but here are a few thoughts.
1)  We have been genetically engineered from the beginning, why the missing
link is so elusive.  We seem to be some kind of galactic experiment.

2)  From a combination of reading and what I have channelled.  I am guessing
that we humans have input from all the races in this galaxy, and when we come
of age, we will be the "galactic man".

3)  John Mack is a Harvard psychiatrist who councils UFO abductees.  His book
is called Abduction, and hespeculates that the UFO's are actually our future
selves visiting us.

4)  It does seem that time is a local earth occurence and as we evolve we
will time travel. Some of us may be able to do this in our sleep and meet our
future selves.

5) since we have many auric bodies, the etheric, astral, mental ad infinitum
for all we know, could these so called experiments simply be what happens to
us as we develop these bodies.  they need to be linked to one another, and
since we are a biological species, some kind of seeming sex experiment would
be the means.  But in that case the sexual encounters would be with another
part of ourselves, not a stranger.

6)  On a few occasions recently, I've found myself seemingly travelling as
one of the greys and  lifting a body (mine i think) on a ray of light as
described in the encounters. 
this was rather a wild experience as you can imagine and totally
incomprehensible in normal terms.  Since our brain cells are grey, I wonder
even if they represent a holographic part of our own brains, or perhaps our
souls.  this is all speculation of course, but if anyone can enlighten me on
this mystery I'd love to hear from you.

Love Jule

2 Date: Tue, 30 Jul 1996 
Subject: Third eye

Look at the back of a dollar bill and you will see on the left, a pyramid
with an eye as part of it's capstone.  This is meant to represent the third

Manly P Hall writes about it in detail in the Secret Teachings of All Ages.


3 Date: Tue, 30 Jul 1996 
Subject: Re anger


I have gone through periods of incomprehensible anger since "K' too.  

they seem to be related to 2 things.  Stuff coming up as I remember my past

then their is stuff from the collective unconscious that we all have to deal
with.  Before we came to earth, we were all engaged in various battles
between light and darkness that left both sides very wounded.  Sometimes if
we delve deep enough we have to deal with that too. In fact the work we do
after "K' just seems to cast a wider net, but the cleansing work goes on.

all you can do is ride through it as best you can and be gentle with

It's a mistake to think that because we underwent "K" we should be immune to
these things.  We still aren't perfect, just in another stage of the eternal
so don't beat yourself up about this.  I think to be accepting of yourself
exactly as you find things at this moment is the best way to move forward for
any of us.

Love Jule

4 Date: Tue, 30 Jul 1996 
From: Graham Dumpleton <>
Subject: Re: New Beings? wrote:
> This brought up another interesting thing, but it is not related to our
> story.  Do you know why the typewriter keys are arranged in such a way?
> If you really don't know then I'll give you a hint.  Re-read what you
> wrote above about Tesla and that's the key.

You make it sound like a conspiracy. :-)

Literature would suggest that the initial reason for the adoption
of the Qwerty layout stemmed from technical problems with the initial
design. Why that format persists in place of an alternate arrangement
such as the Dvorak layout is a different story all together though. To

  The operative patent for the typewriter was awarded in 1868 to
  Christopher Latham Sholes, who continued to develop the machine for
  several years. Among the problems that Sholes and his associates
  addressed was the jamming of the type bars when certain
  combinations of keys were struck in very close succession. As a partial
  solution to this problem, Sholes arranged his
  keyboard so that the keys most likely to be struck in close succession
  were approaching the type point from opposite sides of
  the machine. Since Qwerty was designed to accomplish this now obsolete
  mechanical requirement, maximizing speed was not
  an explicit objective. Some authors even claim that the keyboard is
  actually configured to minimize speed since decreasing
  speed would have been one way to avoid the jamming of the typewriter.
  At the time, however, a two-finger hunt-and-peck
  method was contemplated, so the keyboard speed envisioned was quite
  different from touch-typing speeds. 

This quote comes froms:

Read it if you want to learn more about the battle between the Qwerty and
Dvorak layouts.

Now to relate the raising of this issue back to Kundalini, as it serves
as a good example, I would ask, how can we really know what really
happened back then unless we were there as a participant ourselves.
People will too easily accept a specific viewpoint on a matter and
exclude all other viewpoints from their thinking. If you read the
literature there are different viewpoints on the story and what is also
claimed to be urban myths about the story. In some ways, this case is
no different to literature on spiritual matters such as the Kundalini.
Even in literature from India you will find different viewpoints
on matters. This often stems from the inability of language to express
experiences we have with the result that over time, different people
have interpreted the same original descriptions in different ways.

One might say that our language is much more
descriptive now than in the past. If we cannot, in this more expansive
language of ours adequately describe spiritual experiences, what hope
would someone in the past have where the language was potentially less
capable of capturing a concept or describing an experience. If you were
to look at various literature from any source, you will find that
more often than not it is written as poetry or common prose, not as
a technical treatise. Poetry was
employed because it was in some ways an easier medium to express
the feelings associated with the experience. Use of such language though,
hasn't necessarily helped us to understand what really happened. Thus
it is only through personal experience that we be able to relate to
someone elses description.

It is thus helpful to read widely as not even within literature
stemming from one original source will you necessarily find agreement.
More important though, is not to get caught up on the differences in
what you read, but distill from it what is common. One of the greatest
failings of churches these days is that they tend to give too much
emphasis on how what they are teaching differs from what someone else
teaches. Some on the mail on the mailing list in the past has been
like this, pitting one viewpoint against another in terms of truth.
We should instead be looking for what is common. In doing this
we will eventually get back to the basic truths which are really the
import of any teachings no matter what the faith.

So, love your neighbour, but don't try and convert him to a specific
view of the world, to love him is enough and is far more important with
respect to the spiritual development of both.

Graham Dumpleton (

5 Date: Tue, 30 Jul 1996 10:31:
From: Mark Rivera <>
Subject: Re: Third eye

I think it's also meant to be there because of the Free Masons. Why? 
Don't know?

On Tue, 30 Jul 1996 wrote:

> Look at the back of a dollar bill and you will see on the left, a pyramid
> with an eye as part of it's capstone.  This is meant to represent the third
> eye.
> Manly P Hall writes about it in detail in the Secret Teachings of All Ages.
> Jule

6 Date: Tue, 30 Jul 1996 
Subject: Re: Re UfO's / Jule & Karol Ann

Hi: Jule  and  Karol Ann

Jule said:
1)  We have been genetically engineered from the beginning, why the missing
link is so elusive.  We seem to be some kind of galactic experiment.

2)  From a combination of reading and what I have channelled.  I am guessing
that we humans have input from all the races in this galaxy, and when we come
of age, we will be the "galactic man".

3)  John Mack is a Harvard psychiatrist who councils UFO abductees.  His book
is called Abduction, and hespeculates that the UFO's are actually our future
selves visiting us.

4)  It does seem that time is a local earth occurence and as we evolve we
will time travel. Some of us may be able to do this in our sleep and meet our
future selves.

5) since we have many auric bodies, the etheric, astral, mental ad infinitum
for all we know, could these so called experiments simply be what happens to
us as we develop these bodies.  they need to be linked to one another, and
since we are a biological species, some kind of seeming sex experiment would
be the means.  But in that case the sexual encounters would be with another
part of ourselves, not a stranger.

6)  On a few occasions recently, I've found myself seemingly travelling as
one of the greys and  lifting a body (mine i think) on a ray of light as
described in the encounters. 
this was rather a wild experience as you can imagine and totally
incomprehensible in normal terms.  Since our brain cells are grey, I wonder
even if they represent a holographic part of our own brains, or perhaps our
souls.  this is all speculation of course, but if anyone can enlighten me on
this mystery I'd love to hear from you.


About the abductions, UFO's , and this whole area.  I was going to mention
abductions is my last post, but thought it better not to.  

If any one does research in to this whole area not only from an academic
educational view point, but  by such unaccepted mean as out of body travel or
meditation.  Then the conclusions are always exactly the same.   Karol Ann
and Jule both are extremely interesting to me.  I will not post any thing
about your experiences as that is up to you.  

Last night I was thinking to post about the missing link being so elusive,
but here you come with exaclty the same conclusions.   You mentioned some
time ago about our souls being actually the grays and I said no way.   You
are getting closer to the answer now

This mailing list is very enlightening.    Conclusions being made not from
only the text book mentality, but from actual personal experience and the
exchange of information being validated. These conversations are exactly what
will bring in the leap of consciousness as Karol Ann mentioned in her post.
It will happen over the Internet.  When so many minds agree then it will
happen.  There are so many people in this world now and the reason for it's
over population is just because this is the most important time in history
for our earth.  Many spiritual souls or entities and UFO's are  fighting to
be here at this time.  This is the first time in our history that we have all
the tools and information available to us to awaken this kundalini and
connect the earth plane with the heaven planes.  Just a few years ago I
studied the  teaching of Sri Aurobindo and what is called mother.   Sri
Aurobindo had just one main theme and that was to bring down the heavens to
the earth planes and unite both as one consciousness.   I thought that his
teachings were the most stupidest thing that I ever heard of and sold all of
his material.  He always said that his teachings were not ready to be
accepted by the average person.  Now at this time in history it has already
started.  Things will go really very fast now in the evolution of the earth
and it's people.  We can not keep our heads in the sand any longer unless we
want to.


7 Date: Tue, 30 Jul 1996 
From: (georgev)
Subject: Re: Sex & K

I excuse your prejudice.


>From: Dolce Vita <>
>Hi George,
>Excuse the judgement, and I hope that maybe I misunderstood you.  but 
>it seems to me that you are getting in this group to advertise your 
>porno photography, I hope not because all of us including you are 
>working in our spiritual "sadhana" our path to enlightenment, and 
>believe that indulging in sex and photographing "children and adults 
>in "legal sexual pictures" what does is create bad Karma. Sex is a 
>natural thing,and so is eating, sleeping and doing every physical 
>function, but putting down people who follow masters, and using your 
>"kundalini awakening" to apply it to your own way, and that way is 
>using sex as an entrapment for yourself and others., it is my believe 
>that pushes you further away from the path.
>I am not preaching here, just recommending that you get more 
>information about handling this divine energy, that when it runs wild 
>can run against you.

8 Date: Tue, 30 Jul 1996 
From: "S. Patricia Welsh" <> (by way of Pat Welsh <>)

Lecture Two (contents listed below), on the "Celestial Eye," is located at:
.  Perhaps this
online book will have info of interest to this group (but it's lengthy/takes

--Pat Welsh

>                              ZHUAN FALUN
>                              Li Hongzhi
>                            Translated By:
>                          Translation Group
>                Research Society of Falun Xiulian Dafa
>                          Translator's Note
> [Chinese version]
> On Buddha Law
> Contents
>      Lecture One
>           Genuinely Guiding People Uo to the High Dimension
>           The Law Varies from Dimension to Dimension
>           Zhen Shan Ren Is the Sole Criterion Used to Judge a Good
>           Person from a Bad One
>           Qigong is a Prehistoric Culture
>           Qigong is Cultivation
>           Why doesn't Your Cultivation Energy Increase When You Do
>           Cultivation?
>           Characteristics of Falun Dafa
>      Lecture Two
>           Issue of the Celestial Eye
>           Supernormal Capability of Remote Sight
>           Supernormal Capability of Total Recall
>           Transcending the Five Elements and the Three Realms
>           Issue of Pursuit
>      Lecture Three
>           I Take All the Student As My Disciples
>           Qigong of the Buddhas' School and Buddhism
>           Be Constant in a Single Cultivation System
>           Supernormal Capabilities and Energy Potency
>           Reverse Cultivation and Energy Borrowing
>           Spirit Possession
>           Cosmic Language
>           What the Teacher Has Given to His Students
>           Energy Field
>           How the Students of Falun Dafa Should Spread the
>           Cultivation System
>      Lecture Four
>           Loss and Gain
>           Transformation of Karma
>           Upgrading Xinxing
>           Filling Energy into the Top of the Head
>           Xuanguan-Shewei(Placement of the Mysterious Pass)
>      Lecture Five
>           Configuration of Falun
>           Rare Cultivation Way
>           Cultivation of the Evil Way
>           Double Cultivation of a Man and a Woman
>           Integrated Cultivation of Both Human Life and Nature
>           Law Body
>           Light-Opening
>           Zhu You Ke (Subject of Supplication)
>      Lecture Six
>           Cultivation Insanity
>           Demonic Interference in Practice
>           Demonic Interference From Oneself
>           Main Consciousness Should Play a Governing Role
>           Mind Must be Upright
>           Wushu Qigong
>           Desire to Show Off
>      Lecture Seven
>           On the Issue of Killing
>           On the Issue of Eating Meats
>           Jealousy
>           Issue of Healing Diseases
>           Hospital Treatment and Qigong Healing
>      Lecture Eight
>           Bigu (Abstension from Food)
>           Stealing Qi
>           Collecting Qi
>           He Attains Cultivation Energy Who Does the Cultivation
>           Heavenly Circuit
>           Attachment of Complacency
>           Self-Imposed Silence
>      Lecture Nine
>           Qigong and Physical Culture
>           Intention
>           Tranquil Mind
>           Inborn Qualities
>           Enlightenment and Awakening
>           Person Well Grounded in All Virtues
> A Short Biography of Mr. Li Hongzhi
> Glossary

9 Date: Tue, 30 Jul 1996 16:30:
From: Karol Ann Barnett <>
Subject: Re: Re UfO's

i really enjoyed your post, Jule.

In my study, I'm learning that we are multi-dimensional beings and our 
task is to be conscious of the other parts of ourself that exist, but we 
have not been aware of them.  It seems the K is helping to unlock certain 
brain "files" that we have not had access to before.  We are on the 
journey of many lifetimes.  karol ann

10 Date: Tue, 30 Jul 1996 16:34:
From: Karol Ann Barnett <>
Subject: Re: Re anger

I've known this kind of anger, too.  Or rage.  I've been working with it 
and learned that all women and all men who are awakening feel rage 
because we have been taught lies about gender -- and we believed them.  
That men are "better" than women.  Deep within each of us, we know the 
truth and when something happens in our reality to trigger that pain, we 
feel extreme anger and/or rage.  I believe the K is helping to bring to 
the surface the denied emotions, so we can release them appropriately.

11 Date: Tue, 30 Jul 1996 
From: Prema Qadir <>
Subject: Re: Re UfO's / Jule & Karol Ann

At 01:42 PM 7/30/96 -0400, wrote:
>Just a few years ago I
>studied the  teaching of Sri Aurobindo and what is called mother.   Sri
>Aurobindo had just one main theme and that was to bring down the heavens to
>the earth planes and unite both as one consciousness. 

Dear V487,

Where can I learn more about Sri Aurobindo?

12 Date: Wed, 31 Jul 1996 
From: Graham Dumpleton <>
Subject: Re: Re UfO's / Jule & Karol Ann

Prema Qadir wrote:
> At 01:42 PM 7/30/96 -0400, wrote:
> >Just a few years ago I
> >studied the  teaching of Sri Aurobindo and what is called mother.   Sri
> >Aurobindo had just one main theme and that was to bring down the heavens to
> >the earth planes and unite both as one consciousness.
> Where can I learn more about Sri Aurobindo?

As always, the net is a good a place as any to start. At least initially
it is easier than trampling down to the local bookstore. :-)

Here is a web address to get you started.

Graham Dumpleton (

13 Date: Tue, 30 Jul 1996 16:57:
From: Karol Ann Barnett <>
Subject: Re: Third eye

Another interpretation is that the Eye is the Ego, through which we view 
and interpret the physical world.

> I think it's also meant to be there because of the Free Masons. 
> > Look at the back of a dollar bill and you will see on the left, a pyramid
> > with an eye as part of it's capstone.  This is meant to represent the third
> > eye.
> > 

14 Date: Tue, 30 Jul 1996 17:42:
From: Karol Ann Barnett <>
Subject: Re: Energy surge

> I just communicated with my husband, who is in L A for business.  He has 
> recently started experiencing a K phenomenon that I spoke of earlier -- 
> sensitivity to geo magnetic flux.  I've had it now for about 6 years.  
> Anyway, I was talking with him, telling him how I understood what he was 
> going through and then I compared the feeling to a Star Trek character -- 
> the Traveller when he phased out of existence.  My husband said that was 
> a perfect analogy to the feeling so I thought I would post it in the 
> event anybody is experiencing it or is curious about it.

15 Date: 30 Jul 9
Subject: Re: From Jule--Various

VON:  here is an example of one written at the height of K energy, which I heard
telepathically and typed out.  It and several others all seem to come
from the pre-Christian era of nature religions before the priests
invented "sin." And yet, it seems to prophesy the Way of the future.


Here is something brave.
What kind of consciousness comes like this,
late in the evening?
Is it the old altar of the wood creatures?
Or is it the lake swan with down feathers
and a beak of bitter kisses in the night swirl?

I wil go in the wood and find him.
He'll be hiding in the brush
and when I come to him
he'll be all swoop and flydown.

Come, master, husker of corn,
King of the golden scepter,
Give me my apron and cap and kirtle.
There's blood on those pantaloons
and you made that weep, my lord.

What is a maiden in the New Age?
She is a flesh goddess
and the man who takes her is life-serving.
He will give only once his seed
and then we will see the sun
bake a cross-bun of his good juice
and her oven of bearing.

16 Date: Tue, 30 Jul 1996 
Subject: Re: Re UfO's / Jule & Karol Ann

Hi: Prema Qadir

Happy to foreword the address to you for the Aurobindo Ashram.  

Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Pondicherry - 605  002

That is how it should be worded. 


17 Date: Tue, 30 Jul 1996 21:29:
From: ori^ <>
Subject: Healing

There has been some talk in recent posts about various emotions
coming forth to be healed, and that these are being brought forth
by the kundalini energy.  Each time I've read this, I found myself
stopping and wondering... just how or what are you all describing
as kundalini?

Isn't it part of growth toward consciousness that unhealed parts
of ourselves are presented to be healed?  Doesn't this happen
regardless of whether there has been an awakening of K?

Or is there some connection with kundalini which triggers these
deep unhealed parts to come out?

I ask because I clearly am on a path of healing and awakening.
I remain uncertain if my experiences are "technically" kundalini
or if they might not be some sort of energy which is maybe even
a precursor to kundalini...

Regardless of whether or not this is kundalini I am experiencing,
I am in the midst of some intense shifts... dipping back into
some deep depression, but trying this time time to look square
in the face at some of the rage generated from past abuse which
I have so often stuffed deep inside and let eat at me.
I seem to be walking through this easier this time and saying
"this is a process" rather than seeing it as something that
will go on and on and never end.

Like a few others, I too tend toward "psychic spongeism" :)
Especially when the mass of feelings is so close to the
surface, I am just wide open to take in whatever is around me.

And wow, whether this is from kundalini, or this is part of life,
even though very difficult at times, it sure is exciting and I
think I'm glad to be going through these tremendous changes to


*       ori^         *
* *

18 Date: Wed, 31 Jul 1996 
Subject: Re: Healing

Many people may not be experiencing kundalini but more the energies of the
Holy Spirit stepping up the vibration, this is called quickning. I know many
people who are becoming more aware, which still involves the movement of
chakras but they aren't directly awakening kundalini. This may be something
that relates to many on the list. Kundalini while some people think to be the
same exact thing as the HOly Spirit, it is my experience that it is quite
different, although the energies work together for the awakening to manifest.

19 Date: Wed, 31 Jul
Subject: Re: Sex & K

George, I fail to understand the link between porno and kundalini energy. All 
things legal are not necessarily moral. Your master can be someone alive or 
not, you don't have to follow an actual living guru to reach the state of 
enlightenment. Sex is sex and love is love. When the 2 happen at the same 
time, then you are really blessed. Please, don't get stuck at this one place, 
it's a dead end.

Love to all.

>I have found some help in disapline and also creating subtal bodies
>that I can expeiment with things that might not be proper for this or
>that. I work my kundalini awakenings into my photography and graphic
>designs. With a hightened awareness one can convert or sample a energy
>expression without becoming overburdened by it. 
>I seem to have a six sense that tells me that I have to do my own
>things. As Tej Kohli "I have spent about a decade with world known
>kundalini and 'spiritual'
>masters." This is the same thing that the buddha stated or close to it.
>I have also done this but my six sense tells me that going the route of
>the socalled 'spirirual' masters can only give you a limited area of
>infomation. This is one of the big problems when people blindly follow
>only one way insted of creating their own way.
>My way is very sexual in a mental action refining way. I use different
>energys to create effects to a given thing. I have learned that the
>biggest problem with sexual things is that people are always lusting
>after this and that. One insight just yesterday gave me this idea. Why
>don't you love after this and that. I am into testing my actions in my
>meditations before doing them. This refined way of doing things is how
>I do things. More refined, the more easer, the more benifical for
>I work and create work that requires pre-testing of an idea. It also
>might be becasue I am apted to go with my emotions. This means that I
>have to learn how to use what comes to me to use.
>My photography is in the areas of stri8t gay, lesbian, erotica. Hard
>and softcore. Fashion and portraiture. Men, women, and children.
>Doing things that are law full is the nature of right action if one can
>develop their action effectively and effecantly then it saves having to
>do it again and again.