Date: Sat, 8 Jun kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 96 : Issue 5

 [1]: From:
Subject: Re: Introduction and questions

I will read your answers off line and then get back to you.

 [2]: From:
Subject: Info and Reflections

I am currently reading a book called PATH NOTES OF AN AMERICAN NINJA MASTER
by Dr. Glenn Morris (ISBN 1-55643-157-0).  He presents some very interesting
facts about the metabolic and other bodily changes he has observed in himself
and others who have "survived" their Kundalini process, including: the heart
rate and breathing rate goes way down (he takes only four breaths a minute
now), body temperature drops, and the bones show up whiter and harder in
x-rays.  He also says: "Your whole body will eventually rewire and some parts
are definitely not as much fun as others.  Every place you've been seriously
injured, had a bone broken, or taken some nerve damage will receive special
attention, as damage improperly healed often creates a block to the efficient
flow of energy."  (pp. 37-38.)

Morris is a real iconoclast with what Native Americans would call a "coyote"
spirit.   PATH NOTES is interwoven with his observations, ideas and
scientific research on Kundalini and different levels of enlightenment plus
many fascinating stories about the martial arts.  I highly recommend this
book to anyone with a strong intellectual or scientific leaning who is put
off by religious terminology found in other books on Kundalini.  (For those
who are seeking instruction on awakening the Kundalini, Morris gives detailed
and *responsible* techniques for this too.)

I also would like to put out my thoughts on some matters at hand for the
group.  In my perception, a highly evolved spiritual life (or a high degree
of consciousness) is not necessarily measurable by one's number of shamanic
(spirit-world-contact) and mystical experiences.  Someone who has done a lot
of self-development work on *any level* -- mental, physical, emotional, etc.
-- is often very spiritually advanced.  Those of us who have spent our lives
trying to alleviate what suffering we could wherever we encountered it, or
have done what we could to simply bring more light, more laughter, more joy
or beauty into this blighted world ARE ALSO SPIRITUALLY ACCELERATED.

Psychic abilities and communication with angels or spirit guides are
wonderful gifts, but they do not make the recipient holier or better or wiser
than everyone else.  Teachers who have been this route warn of the dangers of
inflation, and it is not a minor problem.  The more we are given, the more
difficult it is to keep our balance and find a way to relate to heaven and
earth without getting totally knocked out or foolishly swollen up.  I think
this is a lifelong development with multiple dimensions.  Those of us who are
tenderhearted, like Melissa, have to learn how to keep our hearts open
without bleeding to death (I am still working on this one myself).  As we
gain in wisdom and power we have to watch that in our earnest desire to be
true Elders we don't turn into 
pompous airbags.  And as we integrate and learn to live out our realization
of unity with one another and all other life, we need to be as inclusive and
tolerant as possible in our thoughts, words and actions without becoming
rigid politically-correct brain police.  It's a challenge!

Has anyone else noticed that this mail list is blasting with shakti?  I am
not talking figuratively -- I am getting supercharged torrents of energy from
everyone's Kundalini stories.  If the energy keeps up this strong, the people
who want to awaken Kundalini will only need to join this list and get
shaktipat by email!  Wow, maybe we're creating an electronic group-mind guru!

Then again, I may be crazy.

El Collie

 [3]: From:
Subject: Re: Introduction and questions

Hope this helps, don't be concerned, ride the wave and enjoy it. Gloria 

 [4]: From: Richard Satin 
Subject: Kundalini Books

Mary Knapp wrote:
(re: Shared Transformation newsletter)
> I have read every book I can get that discusses kundalini but your reports
> from those everyday people dealing with the same energies that I am have
> been particularly comforting.  I read every back issue and was rewarded by
> each and every one of them.  Thank you so much for your service to us all.

Dear Mary and fellow list members, 

I would underline these comments about the Shared Transformation newsletter.
 Are there any books which you have found particularly helpful OR misleading
?  Would you consider putting some of your thoughts together and submitting
them to me or to the list?  As time goes on, I'll continue to collect these
and to add full book reviews for a web page.


------- FORWARD, End of original message -------


 [5]: From: Richard Satin 
Subject: Posting

Dear listmembers,

It's easy to post to the list accidently, when you are trying to reply
privately to an individual.  I've done this myself.  But please be careful. 
Remember that every post to the list is rebroadcast to everyone.  

Also, short one line posts saying "Right on.", "Good for you", etc., are
perfectly appropriate to send to an individual who has posted something to
which you particularly agree.  Yet, when these sorts of things are posted to
the list, they can generate a lot of extra traffic.

Just a few comments to keep us going in a good direction.



 [6]: From: Richard Satin
Subject: Re: Info and Reflections

Dear El,

As always, your comments seem to nourish me on a deep level.  (Hopefully
that won't inflate you too much!)

>In my perception, a highly evolved spiritual life (or a high degree
>of consciousness) is not necessarily measurable by one's number of shamanic
>(spirit-world-contact) and mystical experiences.  Someone who has done a
>of self-development work on *any level* -- mental, physical, emotional, etc
 .>-- is often very spiritually advanced.  Those of us who have spent our
>trying to alleviate what suffering we could wherever we encountered it, or
>have done what we could to simply bring more light, more laughter, more joy
>or beauty into this blighted world ARE ALSO SPIRITUALLY ACCELERATED.

This reminds me of people in my life over the past years who knew
nothing about kundalini, eastern religion, spirituality, or the like; yet
manifested such deep love for others that to just be in their presence was
to work healing and transformation on many levels.  One person who I'm
thinking of
now is in their seventies, and has lived a very "ordinary" life.  Yet she
has touched
so many, and continues to do so.  She is one of the most un-self conscious
people I've ever met.  Yet she is not aware of her humility, either.  It's a

>The more we are given, the more
>difficult it is to keep our balance and find a way to relate to heaven and
>earth without getting totally knocked out or foolishly swollen up.  

>Those of us who are
>tenderhearted, like Melissa, have to learn how to keep our hearts open
>without bleeding to death (I am still working on this one myself).  As we
>gain in wisdom and power we have to watch that in our earnest desire to be
>true Elders we don't turn into 
>pompous airbags.  

God, the bleeding hurts, doesn't it.  

Hope you will all help me with this, the latter as well as the former... ;>

>Has anyone else noticed that this mail list is blasting with shakti?  I am
>not talking figuratively -- I am getting supercharged torrents of energy
>everyone's Kundalini stories.  If the energy keeps up this strong, the
>who want to awaken Kundalini will only need to join this list and get
>shaktipat by email!  Wow, maybe we're creating an electronic group-mind


>Then again, I may be crazy.

This kind of craziness we need.  



 [7]: From: (Bill Peay)
Subject: Shared Transformations Newsletter

>I am so please to have this opportunity to thank you personally (almost)
>for your wonderful newsletter and to let others know, at the same time,
>how beneficial it is to those of us experiencing kundalini awakening.
>I have read every book I can get that discusses kundalini but your reports
>from those everyday people dealing with the same energies that I am have
>been particularly comforting.  I read every back issue and was rewarded by
>each and every one of them.  Thank you so much for your service to us all.


I agree with Mary whole heartedly. Your newsletter is great. Personally, I
wouldn't be offended or flame you for advertising on the list if you would
post a simple message for everyone to read on how they can subscribe to
your newsletter.  Aferall, your newsletter is specifically geared toward
this very topic.  More people should be aware of it!

Mahalo Nui Loa (Hawaiian for "Thank you very much"),


 [8]: From: Melissa Ann Fornof
Subject: (no subject)replies

Hello, everyone,

I am now going to reply to some postings I haven't had time to before.

To Bill,

While I agree that noone should present Kundalini information from a 
"strict fact--that's the way it is" approach,  I do think that one reason 
many of us are on this list is TO get others' feedback.  I know that's 
true for me; I welcome comments and opinions even if I don't specifically 
ask for it.  As long as people are tactful and present their information 
from an opinion or "this works for me" standpoint, it is more than 
welcome to me.  So, feeling that others on this list also feel this way, 
I will share my personal insights with others.  I am always careful, 
though, to let them know that it is only my opinion or what works for me, 
not expert advice or what is the ultimate truth that will work for 
everyone.  I do also agree with you, Bill, on the subject of religion.  
While I do not mind anyone stating their personal beliefs, I do feel that 
it should not be presented as a direct connection between their religion 
and Kundalini, as others of different faiths may be offended or get the 
impression that the sender feels "holier than thou" or downright 
prejudice.  After all, there are many different religions in the world, 
each one believing that theirs is the one true one.  Also, Kundalini does 
not discriminate between religions--it happens to Jews, Bhuddists, 
Christians, Muslims, Native Americans, etcetera.  This is what I spoke of 
in my last post stating that Kundalini is a uniting force that transcends 
all man-made barriers.

To Judy,

I have felt all but one of my chakras as vibrating, pressure, or heat.  
However, you may not be confusing them with your perception of the 
physical body--everything I have read so far has claimed that the chakras 
are indeed an integral part of the physical body, just invisible by our 
American means of biological knowlege and detection.  Many Eastern 
religions treat the chakras the same as any other physical body part 
(you've heard of accupuncture and accupressure, I'm sure--these are major 
and minor chakra points judging from my information sources.).

I believe that Kundalini begins in different ways for different 
people--some with fire, some with ice, some with vibrations, etc.

I don't know quite what you mean by chakra blockages--I've heard about 
imbalances and wrong direction of spin, but not this.  Please explain 

To Patti,

I've never had a migraine that I'm aware of.  However, during many of my 
Kundalini experiences, I have felt a tremendous buildup of pressure in my 
skull that feels like my brain will come exploding out of my ears, and it 
causes sharp, stabbing pains.  I have learned that for me, relief comes 
from either breathing long and slow while concentrating on relaxing, or 
from concentrating on releasing energy:  I visualize white light coming 
out of the top of my head while chanting "release" over and over, and 
trying to feel the built-up energy in my head flowing out with my 
visualized white light.  Try these methods; see if they work for you 
also.  Let me know the results.

For Mary Knapp,

About using drugs:  (this part is also for Patti}  I have read in all the 
books I have read, drugs of any kind, legal or otherwise, are not 
advisable.  According to the stories I have read, and depending on the 
drug, they can inhibit Kundalini or even stop it altogether; "poison" the 
Kundalini {as one book described} causing a very bad experience; or 
accelerate the Kundalini giving the person too much at once, causing 
extreme fear and/or pain and thus a bad experience.  Myself, if I started 
getting welts or having a lot of pain I could not stop or control in any 
way, I would take my chances with prescription drugs.  I have a very low 
threshold of pain.  That's just me.  I'm not making a suggestion either 

As for anything vibrating outside my body--no, I haven't experienced 
that.  What it could be, maybe, is this:  Perhaps your "third eye" chakra 
got opened somehow before you were aware of Kundalini.  Again, based on 
what I've read, this center is the visualization center.  Here you 
project into sight or visions what you feel, see, believe.  Perhaps you 
visualized the Kundalini's vibrating property before feeling it 
internally through the prematurely opened third eye chakra.  Also, upon 
researching psychic phenomena, I read that certain people, when in 
distress of some sort, can inadvertently affect objects around 
them--breaking things, making electrical things go haywire, causing 
objects to fly across the room, etc.  Whatever the cause, however, I 
would try to accept it; perhaps feeling special to be the cause or center 
of such "mystical" happenings.  I would not worry about it unless became 
an obvious threat to my health, sanity, or family.  Again, this is just 
me.  No actual advice intended--I'm far from being a Kundalini expert.

As for prayer:  I believe in the power of faith--religios or otherwise.  
My late grandmother believed with every ounce of her being that mustard 
was a miracle cure-all.  Ifv she had a headache, she didn't take 
aspirin--she smeared mustard in her hair.  If she had a muscle cramp, she 
didn't use Ben Gay, she smeared mustard on her leg.  And it worked for 
her.  Cured her headaches, muscle aches, and just about everything else. 
It would never work for me, because I know mustard is not a miracle cure 
all.  But she did, vehemently, and it worked for her better than aspirin 
or Ben Gay ever worked for me.  So I believe that anything is possible if 
you really, truly, believe in it.  That is why, I believe, so many 
seemingly opposing religions get their prayers answered even though they 
believe in totally different Gods.  Even if there is only one true God 
and all others are misconceptions or whatever, their power can be just as 
real if the believers' faith is strong enough.  Then, I believe, it is 
not really their deity doing whatever, it is their own mind.  I believe 
that humans have far more psychic/healing/manipulative/etc. abilities 
than we realize.  After all, we only use 90-95% of our brains, according 
to our science.  Kundalini probably plays a role in this.  I hope this 
helps.  Let me know if I just confused or upset you.  To everyone 
else--no religious offense intended.  I respect all belief systems that 
don't include human sacrifices or torture.  I hope you all understand.

Yes, I have from the beginning felt little or no Kundalini manifestations 
during the day, when I'm busy.  It has always manifested when I am in or 
near a meditative state--when trying to sleep at night or take a nap or 
deliberately meditating.  Yes, I have more experiences when in a 
spiritual frame of mind rather than a worldly, get-things-done mindframe. 
That is one problem I face now.  As you may or may not know, I accidently 
stopped my Kundalini for good while trying to stop it temporarily.  Since 
then, I have had to work at getting it back; it doesn't "just happen" 
anymore.  Along with this, I have lost my higher spirituality mindframe 
and viewpoint.  I have been working to get that wonderful state back, but 
so far I have been unsuccessful.  I have managed to arise Kundalini again 
to some extent and get hot flashes as well as other symptoms again, but 
the spirituality of it is largely gone.  I am still trying to get it 
back.  Any suggestions, anyone?

Well, this is long enough now.  I have other replies to make and many 
more questions to ask and comments to make.  I'll save them for later.

		Sincerely,  Melissa

 [9]: From: (Bill Peay)
Subject: Info and Reflections

>Has anyone else noticed that this mail list is blasting with shakti?  I am
>not talking figuratively -- I am getting supercharged torrents of energy from
>everyone's Kundalini stories.  If the energy keeps up this strong, the people
>who want to awaken Kundalini will only need to join this list and get
>shaktipat by email!  Wow, maybe we're creating an electronic group-mind guru!
>Then again, I may be crazy.
>El Collie

You're not crazy, El, I'm supercharged, too.  I've set my eudora program to
file "kundalini-l" mail into a special window which I keep open all the
time.  I'm squealing with glee each time I see a message appear.  I haven't
been this excited about e-mail since....well...since ever!  What a great
group of people out there!  My chakras are all open, and especially my
heart chakra, after reading everyone's experiences.  We are, indeed, not
alone, eh?


[10]: From: Bill Peay
Subject: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center 

Greetings again friends,

This is a test message from the Kundalini Resource Center where we are building
an automatic link to this mailing list.
Although hosted only on the West Coast KRC site, if this works successfully, we
will mirror thiss technique on all other KRC sites.
Hopefully, we will be able to invite a broad audience to participate along with
If this test doesn't work, or only partially works, you may receive another
test as the bugs are worked out.
In the end, we will be tying together Web engines in the Netherlands, Ohio, and
California with the main host in Hawaii to link the mail through Milwaukee,
Wisconsin, in order to reach you.
I guess, in a way, we're clearing the cyber-chakras so the kundalini of
intellect can rise and touch each of us by way of Richard's mailing list.
Anyway, here we go!  From a laptop on my knees in bed in Kauai, Hawaii, to you
via the above routing, I send you the "one small step for man, one giant leap
for mankind message."


[11]: From: Frans Storms 
Subject: a beginning...

Hello boys and girls...

I am Frans Storms from Nijmegen, Holland, 46. There's so much traffic on
this list that i have trouble keeping up with it. And i would want to
write something too, i'm glad i had some of what folows already on
paper. All kinds of feelings have gone trough me while reading: relief,
excitement, satisfaction, reckognition. Also envy, jealousy, irritation,
anoyment. Almost like being married.

It started about 20 years ago. I was having problems with my wife, with
my study, with life. A mindblowing dream uprooted everything. My rather
rational way of thinking didn't survive the blow. I abandoned my study,
philosophy, started working and devoted my time to the 'higher science'
of dreaming. I also went on the outlook of a 'guru', as some 'strange
things' happened to me. And so I became a disciple of Bhagwan in 1980.
Getting initiated by him was an experience. I still owe him a lot. He
put me back on the ground again.

Nowadays those strange things would all be called kundalini-symptoms.
But for myself i didn't have a faint idea. I also enjoyed a time of
severe 'inflation'. A feeling of power and knowledge. Sentences would
flow abundantly out of my hand, i would sweat while writing. I thought i
could see trough people giving them unasked advice and lectures, as
bullets from a shotgun.

Together with my naybour(!) and friend i started a dream-group. We put
an advertisement in a local paper. In those days that was news in
Holland and so i ended up on the front page of a big paper ,on a
monday :)   Somehow i am reminded of that group. There's the same
gathering of strange people making my heart beat faster. The same
sharing of almost untold experiences. There's something beautiful beyond
words in that gathering. I hope we are not going to suffer from the
drive for power and domination we had to cope with... anyway it was
worth it.

Years went by. My daughter was born in 1983. Occasionally I tried a
meditation but somehow it didn't work out. 2 years ago I stumbled upon a
simple technique which appealed immediately. In the beginning I felt the
same as when I got initiated by Bhagwan. One night, doing my meditation,
my head felt like melting. As if it was a candle slowly burning down,
very enjoyable. Then I had a short, faint, vision of myself. At the same
time it was as if I heard a soft sound like that of bees. A muscle in
the regio around my anus contracted and I felt something like a wind
going out of my head. That was all. But in the days later on I noticed
that something was going on, and still is. The 'wind' is slowly
becominging stronger, nowadays it's there all the time. Sometimes when I
feel a certain kind of muscular contraction in the area between the anus
and the testicles I know a new 'shipment' is on it's way. I don't feel
anything coming up the spine, it feel it directly in the head, going out
through the top of the skull. Sometimes it's a little painful, as the
form of my skull started changing I got insecure. It often feels like a
hump on the head. Reading Bonnie Greenwell (Energies of Transformation)
made me fear the worst. I had read the book of Gopi Krishna (The
Awakening of Kundalini) a long time ago, but rereading it I recognized a
lot. In my case it's not the thunder, lightning and ectasy thing. 'Still
no Sign of Miraculous Psychic Powers',  as Gopi K. would say.

Ok, i'll stop right here, don't know what to say, have a nice sunday,
thanks everybody!
(pictures at

[12]: From: Iver Juster 
Subject: Heart opening and boundaries

I was moved much by Melissa's letter about the trials of opening the heart.
I find that I attract people towards me, almost in a way where it feels like
I can't help it. When I am with people, my heart is  open and loving...even
if I didn't want to see them necessarily. I start seeing inside them when I
am in their presence and finding things to love and enjoy.

This has taken a toll on my time. THere are too many people who want this
kind of unconditional love and I have found my self retreating more and more

Now I am going to take a risk. I don't want  to sound like an egomaniac. In
fact I believe ego is dangerous to kundalini, very dangerous. So here  goes:
in the 11 years since my awakening, I feel that I am now 11 years old. When
I was "born", I didn't know too much except how to give and receive love.
But in time, I am growing older and I feel that my powers of intellect and
creativity are powerfully accelerating.  The result is that I find most
people can't keep up wtih me. I started reading great authors and
philosophers because they kept me better and more interesting company. THen
I started writing (though I had never written before). In 3 months I had
written 2 really outrageous fairy tales (100 paages each.) In another 3
months I wrote a how-to book on relationship (300 pages). (I had been
teaching Tantra-based information on relationship and sensuality and
communication before writing). I am editing that now and planning to
self-publish. My point: At least I can talk to myself at a rapid pace, and
don't have to slow down. My mind goes faster and faster. 

I still am the same, in terms of the sense of loving others, though in 11
years I have had to learn a whole lot about boundaries. A newborn has no
boundaries, and they are necessary. I too got burned out without boundaries.
More and more I wish to direct my loving energy into writing, where I feel I
have control over the timing and the boundaries. I can set up and maintain
the best feeling sense of balance between relating to others and taking care
of myself.

I am lucky to have a brilliant husband and a brilliant roommate-friend. I
want to spend more and more time alone, writing, and on the internet, where
my mind can sail at its own natural pace. I want to learn how to teach in
VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language)right now and have been studying
teaching on-line. I think the internet is perfect for us kundalini people.
In fact, this may be a major way that we shift the consciousness of the planet. 

THanks all for listening and sharing. This group has given me great joy and
I appreciate it tremendously. Right now I am having real problems with
massive migraines and to know that I am not alone ...just knowing there are
others out there brings tears of gratitude to my eyes. All love, Patti